I added some new chrome to the wing today and changed the oil. 16,250+ miles on it now.
We got our ride in today but not until later in the day. Vicki and I set out with our neighbors toward Oxford and followed a few creeks that seem to wind themselves in that direction. This always makes for a fun ride and it was, with twists and turns almost all the way.
We went to the BrickStreet Cafe for dinner then on home. Not a long ride but very enjoyable and with good company.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Saturday July 26
I finally got to ride today down to Maysville, Ky to Heritage Honda.
Nice store is all I can say and the people there are very friendly and heplful. Lymon and Wanda rode with me also while Vicki went to a baby shower.
All back roads and some new ones in there we never knew existed.
This road is a little rough and some occasional gravel here and there but we loved it. We both said we'll ride it again. We spent about an hour in the store then headed for home. We crossed back in to Ohio and rode down river to Rt 68 so we could speed up the trip home and continue staying off the super slab. We found rain in the Fayettville area at the intersection of 68 and 50. Pulled on the rain gear and kept on truckin.
Just south of Wilmington the roads were dry and the skys were clear. We rode right by Beaugards and we were tempted but we didn't stop since we satisfied our rib cravings the day before. Turned on to Rt 22 toward Morrow and stopped at Valley Vinyard and picked up some wine. Then on to Rt 48 and the rest was our usuall path. A nice ride and a nice day despite a little rain. 217 miles today.
Friday July 25
I rode up to Marysville Ohio for the Honda Homecoming with Lymon and Roy. We met up with Greg Hayden and his group for breakfast at Scrambler Maries about 8:00 then took back roads almost all the way up to the plant.
We were set to have lunck with Gregs group and some others at 12:00 at Bennys.
Lymon, Roy, and I decided we would have time to do the plant tour before lunch at 12 and the outside line went fast. Once inside the tour went well then we met up with a slow group in front of ours and we ended up missing the lunch with the RidoOhio group. www.rideohio.org
Since my cell phone is a camera phone it was taked hostage by plant officials while I was inside, therefore I couldn't call anyone at the lunch until I got out. I did and they were finishing up and ready to pay & leave. We went over had lunch where I met up with Jester and the VTX guys from the Ohio X-riders forum. http://www.ohioxriders.proboards14.com/ Lunch consisted of wel lyou know RIBS and I will say they are damn good. We took off for the vendor area stopping first at the small one in Marysville then over to Bellefountaine where the larger vendor area was. I finally met up with Greg's group again and Deb, Todd, & Jim. They said that I had just missed CUZ and Tank.
We left out of there and headed for home taking the back roads. 287 miles yesterday and a great time. Home about 8:30.
I finally got to ride today down to Maysville, Ky to Heritage Honda.
Nice store is all I can say and the people there are very friendly and heplful. Lymon and Wanda rode with me also while Vicki went to a baby shower.
All back roads and some new ones in there we never knew existed.
This road is a little rough and some occasional gravel here and there but we loved it. We both said we'll ride it again. We spent about an hour in the store then headed for home. We crossed back in to Ohio and rode down river to Rt 68 so we could speed up the trip home and continue staying off the super slab. We found rain in the Fayettville area at the intersection of 68 and 50. Pulled on the rain gear and kept on truckin.
Just south of Wilmington the roads were dry and the skys were clear. We rode right by Beaugards and we were tempted but we didn't stop since we satisfied our rib cravings the day before. Turned on to Rt 22 toward Morrow and stopped at Valley Vinyard and picked up some wine. Then on to Rt 48 and the rest was our usuall path. A nice ride and a nice day despite a little rain. 217 miles today.
Friday July 25
I rode up to Marysville Ohio for the Honda Homecoming with Lymon and Roy. We met up with Greg Hayden and his group for breakfast at Scrambler Maries about 8:00 then took back roads almost all the way up to the plant.
We were set to have lunck with Gregs group and some others at 12:00 at Bennys.
Lymon, Roy, and I decided we would have time to do the plant tour before lunch at 12 and the outside line went fast. Once inside the tour went well then we met up with a slow group in front of ours and we ended up missing the lunch with the RidoOhio group. www.rideohio.org
Since my cell phone is a camera phone it was taked hostage by plant officials while I was inside, therefore I couldn't call anyone at the lunch until I got out. I did and they were finishing up and ready to pay & leave. We went over had lunch where I met up with Jester and the VTX guys from the Ohio X-riders forum. http://www.ohioxriders.proboards14.com/ Lunch consisted of wel lyou know RIBS and I will say they are damn good. We took off for the vendor area stopping first at the small one in Marysville then over to Bellefountaine where the larger vendor area was. I finally met up with Greg's group again and Deb, Todd, & Jim. They said that I had just missed CUZ and Tank.
We left out of there and headed for home taking the back roads. 287 miles yesterday and a great time. Home about 8:30.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Sunday July 20
Clifty State Park Madison, Indiana
We had an awsome day today. Vicki and I left from home about 1:00 into Fairfield and took East Miami River Road all the way out to Cleves. (RoadRunner territory) we jumped on to SR 50 rode to Dillsboro where we took SR 62 all the way to Clifty State Park in Madison, Indiana. We rode through the park and hiked down to see some waterfalls. Then we decided we needed a cooling off so we got our bathing suits out of the bike and went into the pool. After a relaxing swim and cooling off we got back into our riding clothes and headed for home taking a diffferent route. We motored up the Oho river on SR 56 East. As we got close to Rising Sun, Indiana the skys looked threatening and we felt a few sprinkles. We pulled of at a gas station and put on our rain gear and continued. Just as we got into Aurora we heard the tornado sirens going off and she skys looked wicked. We pulled into one of our favorite stops to eat along the river, The Applewood Restaurant. We had dinner while the sky opened up, the wind blew fiercely, and lightning strikes hit one after another. An hour in the restaurant was just what we needed to let the storm somewhat move on. We headed on to SR 50 in the rain until we made our turn on to SR 128 toward home. The rain stopped somewhere around Ross, Ohio and we cruised the rest of the way in. A nice ride with a total of 204 miles round trip, and a total of 8 hours counting dinner, swimming, and hiking time. The rain gear did it's job and we kept dry. She's starting to not mind the rain as much as she use to. Just a note Indiana State parks charge $7. for non resident vehicles to enter.
Clifty State Park Madison, Indiana
We had an awsome day today. Vicki and I left from home about 1:00 into Fairfield and took East Miami River Road all the way out to Cleves. (RoadRunner territory) we jumped on to SR 50 rode to Dillsboro where we took SR 62 all the way to Clifty State Park in Madison, Indiana. We rode through the park and hiked down to see some waterfalls. Then we decided we needed a cooling off so we got our bathing suits out of the bike and went into the pool. After a relaxing swim and cooling off we got back into our riding clothes and headed for home taking a diffferent route. We motored up the Oho river on SR 56 East. As we got close to Rising Sun, Indiana the skys looked threatening and we felt a few sprinkles. We pulled of at a gas station and put on our rain gear and continued. Just as we got into Aurora we heard the tornado sirens going off and she skys looked wicked. We pulled into one of our favorite stops to eat along the river, The Applewood Restaurant. We had dinner while the sky opened up, the wind blew fiercely, and lightning strikes hit one after another. An hour in the restaurant was just what we needed to let the storm somewhat move on. We headed on to SR 50 in the rain until we made our turn on to SR 128 toward home. The rain stopped somewhere around Ross, Ohio and we cruised the rest of the way in. A nice ride with a total of 204 miles round trip, and a total of 8 hours counting dinner, swimming, and hiking time. The rain gear did it's job and we kept dry. She's starting to not mind the rain as much as she use to. Just a note Indiana State parks charge $7. for non resident vehicles to enter.
July 11th - 15th
I know i'm a little late in posting this i've been so busy catching up after being gone.
Vicki and I set out for the Smokie Mountains on the Wing. This was the first trip for us using the trailer I built. While we ususlly can pack for several days in the bike alone the trailer was stuffed with about 3 times as much clothes then we needed. Extra shoes, pop, beer, and some girlie drinks for her along with a laptop computer, two cameras and a couple of lawn chairs we didn't use.
The trailer pulled great and we really didn't know it was back there most of the time except when we got to the gas pump to fill up. It took about 5 MPG off of our usuall mileage.
An uneventful trip to Tennessee on friday afternoon. We pulled out of Cincinnati about 1:30 PM and shot down I-75 to get there quick. We checked into the campground and got to our cabin.
This was an awsome little cabin for two with a full bathroom, queen size bed, and a mini kitchen. You could almost live in it even though it was small. It reminded me of something from The Little House on the Prairie, with a bathroom. :)
We met up with our group of friends who had driven their motorhome down and pulled their bikes on a trailer behind it.
Day 1 in the Smokies
Saturday morning was our first outing. I'm guessing we pulled out about 10:00 AM and headed for the Tail of the Dragon. We took the long way around to get thre going through the State park.
We arrived at the Dragon on the top side and had lunch at Deals Gap Resort before riding.
Here I got to "visit the shirt" left there by Tank at www.rideohio.org .
We finished lunch and grouped up for our Dragon ride. We headed down twisting our way toward the bottom and enjoying every bit of it. The Dragons tail is considered to be one of the most highly ridden roads for North American motorcyclists.
Once safely at the bottom I was ready to go again and so were a couple of others. The womed decided they had enough and electec to stay at the bottom with the cooler.
three of us headed back up a lot faster then we had ridden it with the girls on. We stopped at the store again to make a bathroom stop and headed back down. Again a little faster then before.
We picked up the girls and the cooler and headed back toward camp.
A great first day of riding in the Smokies.
Day 2 in the Smokies
Sunday morning we woke up to rain. :( One of our riders woke that morniong with allergies bothering him pretty bad and decided not to ride that day.
We had breakfast and checked out the weather reports then about 1:00 we set out for a ride with rain still in the area with no real destination in mind except wanting to head toward the Cherahola Skyway but decided not to because our rider back at camp wanted to ride this as well so we decided not to ride it that day.
We went south and ended up on some really cool twisty roads we didn't go down to ride but i'm glad we found them. We encountered rain again on our way back to camp on the Foothills Parkway. The rain continued for the balance of the ride back and into the night. All in all we got to ride and most of it rain free so in all it was another great day of riding.
Day 3 in the Smokies
We woke Monday to the most beautiful morning. The sky was clear and not a cloud in sight. The temp was perfect and we were all ready to set out. We had a small breakfast packed the cooler for lunch and drinks and hit the road toward the Cherohala Skyway.
We planned our route toward the Skyway somewhat before but also as we went in that direction we somewhat changed it and I would say for the better. We found some really nice country roads that were little traveled and made the best of them enjoying every mile.
We finally locked in on the Cherohala Skyway and started our climb. This is an awsome road with the potential to be dangerous if you don't respect it.
It is so twisty but not tight turns like the Dragon. It has more sweeping curves and always a beautiful overlook as it climbs into the mountains.
We stopped about half way up for lunch at an over look. After lunch in a shady spot we continued our journey toward the top and then back down again.
We had a nice ride there, took a lot of pictures and really enjoyed the day.
We stopped in ribbinsville, NC for fuel and we started back toward camp. A long day already and we needed 2 + hours to get back.
We took a route planned out by our own "mapquest minded" Vicki. The route took us back to the top of the Dragon so we got to ride it again. This time I guess I rode it a little too fast with the other three bikes keeping up because I had the girls ready to kick my butt when we hit the bottom.
We followed our route back toward camp again using the Foothills Parkway.
This was definatly our best day of riding and longest day as well. I wore everyone out. :)
Day 4 in the Smokies and headed for home.
Vicki and I got up about 9:00 Am and the other part of our group had pulled out and headed for home. This was kind of nice and we could choose our own way home and we did.
We packed up the bike and the trailer and backroaded toward Knoxville and passed right through town passing the UT campus along the way.
We continued our back road quest until our GPS decided it wanted to jump on and off the highway ever few miles so we used I-75 for quite a while.
we came upon some road construction that had the highway closed in kentucky and got off at the next exit. We took old Route 25 for a long time and really enjoyed it.
we decided it was getting late and were ready to be home so we got back onto the highway and cranked it up toward home.
An awsome vacation with a lot of riding. I can't wait to do it again.
I know i'm a little late in posting this i've been so busy catching up after being gone.
Vicki and I set out for the Smokie Mountains on the Wing. This was the first trip for us using the trailer I built. While we ususlly can pack for several days in the bike alone the trailer was stuffed with about 3 times as much clothes then we needed. Extra shoes, pop, beer, and some girlie drinks for her along with a laptop computer, two cameras and a couple of lawn chairs we didn't use.
The trailer pulled great and we really didn't know it was back there most of the time except when we got to the gas pump to fill up. It took about 5 MPG off of our usuall mileage.
An uneventful trip to Tennessee on friday afternoon. We pulled out of Cincinnati about 1:30 PM and shot down I-75 to get there quick. We checked into the campground and got to our cabin.
This was an awsome little cabin for two with a full bathroom, queen size bed, and a mini kitchen. You could almost live in it even though it was small. It reminded me of something from The Little House on the Prairie, with a bathroom. :)
We met up with our group of friends who had driven their motorhome down and pulled their bikes on a trailer behind it.
Day 1 in the Smokies
Saturday morning was our first outing. I'm guessing we pulled out about 10:00 AM and headed for the Tail of the Dragon. We took the long way around to get thre going through the State park.
We arrived at the Dragon on the top side and had lunch at Deals Gap Resort before riding.
Here I got to "visit the shirt" left there by Tank at www.rideohio.org .
We finished lunch and grouped up for our Dragon ride. We headed down twisting our way toward the bottom and enjoying every bit of it. The Dragons tail is considered to be one of the most highly ridden roads for North American motorcyclists.
Once safely at the bottom I was ready to go again and so were a couple of others. The womed decided they had enough and electec to stay at the bottom with the cooler.
three of us headed back up a lot faster then we had ridden it with the girls on. We stopped at the store again to make a bathroom stop and headed back down. Again a little faster then before.
We picked up the girls and the cooler and headed back toward camp.
A great first day of riding in the Smokies.
Day 2 in the Smokies
Sunday morning we woke up to rain. :( One of our riders woke that morniong with allergies bothering him pretty bad and decided not to ride that day.
We had breakfast and checked out the weather reports then about 1:00 we set out for a ride with rain still in the area with no real destination in mind except wanting to head toward the Cherahola Skyway but decided not to because our rider back at camp wanted to ride this as well so we decided not to ride it that day.
We went south and ended up on some really cool twisty roads we didn't go down to ride but i'm glad we found them. We encountered rain again on our way back to camp on the Foothills Parkway. The rain continued for the balance of the ride back and into the night. All in all we got to ride and most of it rain free so in all it was another great day of riding.
Day 3 in the Smokies
We woke Monday to the most beautiful morning. The sky was clear and not a cloud in sight. The temp was perfect and we were all ready to set out. We had a small breakfast packed the cooler for lunch and drinks and hit the road toward the Cherohala Skyway.
We planned our route toward the Skyway somewhat before but also as we went in that direction we somewhat changed it and I would say for the better. We found some really nice country roads that were little traveled and made the best of them enjoying every mile.
We finally locked in on the Cherohala Skyway and started our climb. This is an awsome road with the potential to be dangerous if you don't respect it.
It is so twisty but not tight turns like the Dragon. It has more sweeping curves and always a beautiful overlook as it climbs into the mountains.
We stopped about half way up for lunch at an over look. After lunch in a shady spot we continued our journey toward the top and then back down again.
We had a nice ride there, took a lot of pictures and really enjoyed the day.
We stopped in ribbinsville, NC for fuel and we started back toward camp. A long day already and we needed 2 + hours to get back.
We took a route planned out by our own "mapquest minded" Vicki. The route took us back to the top of the Dragon so we got to ride it again. This time I guess I rode it a little too fast with the other three bikes keeping up because I had the girls ready to kick my butt when we hit the bottom.
We followed our route back toward camp again using the Foothills Parkway.
This was definatly our best day of riding and longest day as well. I wore everyone out. :)
Day 4 in the Smokies and headed for home.
Vicki and I got up about 9:00 Am and the other part of our group had pulled out and headed for home. This was kind of nice and we could choose our own way home and we did.
We packed up the bike and the trailer and backroaded toward Knoxville and passed right through town passing the UT campus along the way.
We continued our back road quest until our GPS decided it wanted to jump on and off the highway ever few miles so we used I-75 for quite a while.
we came upon some road construction that had the highway closed in kentucky and got off at the next exit. We took old Route 25 for a long time and really enjoyed it.
we decided it was getting late and were ready to be home so we got back onto the highway and cranked it up toward home.
An awsome vacation with a lot of riding. I can't wait to do it again.
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